Desert Woman Botanicals was started by Monica Rude, who has spent over 30 years studying the healing properties of medicinal plants. She used her findings to create high quality herbal remedies. These products are sold locally in New Mexico as well as across the nation. Her philosophy is that freshly harvested and home grown herbs are the key to creating effective remedies.
Desert Woman Botanicals has recently been transfered to Prairie Small, Monica's long-time assistant. Prairie has lived in New Mexico for 20 years enjoying the outdoors and studying herbs and their healing properties. Prairie will continue to produce and sell the well known Desert Woman products as well as create her own.

Monica Rude (left) and Prairie Small (right)

About Our Logo
Our logo is inspired by a Mimbreno pottery design, from the ancients who lived in southern New Mexico around 1200-1300 AD. It represents Desert Woman dancing through the garden, picking herbs and flowers while the spirits of the Old Ones look on. It goes on our products last and is our stamp of quality insurance.